
How to Learn Chumash with Rashi

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How to Learn Chumash with Rashi

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How to Learn Chumash with Rashi

The Chumash is our most fundamental Jewish text. Unfortunately, for many Jews it remains a difficult text to read, learn, and enjoy.

I wrote How to Learn Chumash with Rashi for adults who want to develop independent learning skills. The book guides you through a step-by-step method to learn any verse in Chumash.

The book's four chapters focus on Rashi, but the skills I teach are applicable to any text.

The meat of the book is contained in three chapters.

Chapter 1 - How to Read a Verse

The suggested steps will help you approach any unfamiliar verse (or any other text) with confidence.

Chapter 2 - Understanding Rashi's Approach

A brief discussion of the types of problems Rashi addresses in his commentary on Chumash.

Chapter 3 - Rashi Step-by-Step

I take you through a six-step process to learn and analyze Rashi's comments. I emphasize that a vital step in learning Rashi is understanding how his comment solves the (usually unstated) problem that bothered him and changes your understanding of the verse.

Chapter 4 - Worked Example

The last chapter applies the methods from the first three chapters to Shemot 1:16.

How to Learn Chumash with Rashi has two appendices that give beginners some vital tools for learning Rashi.

Appendix 1 - Hebrew Alphabet

This is a handy chart of the alphabet and the numerical value of each letter. The alphabet is shown in both regular block print and Rashi script.

Appendix 2 - Key Terms in Rashi

A chart of common phrases used by Rashi (and other commentators).


I received this email from A.C.:

My name is A.C. I live in Jerusalem and volunteer as a tutor at [School] for Women, helping women on all levels gain or improve text skill. The other day I came across your ebook. I was very impressed by the rigorous, organized method you present for learning Chumash and Rashi.

I am planning to share the link with the other tutors at my school.

This is what she wrote a few days later:

I forwarded the link to the pdf to my colleagues.

Some reactions:

THANKS! This is fantastic!

Thanks for this tool!!

Wow! Thanks for sharing. This is VERY helpful!

Several said similar things orally.

How to Learn Chumash with Rashi is made available by Thinking Torah, a website dedicated to stimulating thought and discussion about the Torah.

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